Cycling Grosse Scheidegg
Ride 18.4 kilometers gaining 1,373 meters at 7.5% average grade.
Photos of Wetterhorn (3692 meters)
This extraordinary climb begins in Schattenhalb and travels into the Bernese Alps ending just past Berghotel Grosse Scheidegg.
Helmuth Dekkers has ridden in more countries and done more climbs than anyone we know. Helmuth says of this climb “It’s one of the most impressive sceneries I have ever cycled. Very beautiful.”
Helmuth’s climb summary:
The Grosse Scheidegg ascent is one of the most beautiful ascents I have ever cycled. And add to it that the larger part is free of motorized traffic (except for the yellow Postbus), nice! The start is in Wiligen and I parked my car where the tourists go to visit the Reichenbach waterfall where Sherlock Holms died when he fought with his greatest enemy Professor Moriarty in the book "The Final Problem" written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But I was after something BIGger.
Follow Rychenbach River through the middle of the climb.
From the parking place to the foot of the Grosse Scheidegg is just 2km. There is a very sharp turn to the right and then the road gets smaller, less busy and really starts to go up. This is the Scheideggstrasse and the first part does not offer any nice views. But hang in there that'll change! After the first set of hairpins the road starts following a small mountain stream and the view opens up. Nice but the spectacular part is still to come. After 6.8km the road flattens a bit and the gradient goes from 8.6% on average to 1.9% on average for the nex 1.9km to Hotel Rosenlaui. This is the endpoint for the cars.
From here on no motorized traffic except for the yellow Swiss Post Buses. And be careful as these busses do not slow down a lot when passing you!
Grosse Scheidegg
After Hotel Rosenlaui the views on the surrounding mountains are overwhelming. Stunning! Just after Hotel Rosenlaui there are signs pointing to the Gletscherschlucht Rosenlaui (Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge), here the Weissenbach river has carved its way into the slate and limestone and you can walk through it and see the amazing rock formations. Not for us cyclists, we continue upwards as from Hotel Rosenlaui the road goes steeply up again like before at 8.5% on average for 1km or so before the gradient again goes down to 3% for 1km. This is the silence before the storm as next you face a ramp of 12.6% for 1.2km. This is a though part after the climb up to Hotel Rosenlaui! And the last 4km are not a picknick either at 10% on average. Tough but doable though and the ever improving views on the north face of the Scheidegg Wetterhorn help to forget your tired legs. It's really an exceptional climb as it is so tough and so beautiful.
Thank you Helmuth!!