Cycling Osafjellet, Osa, Norway
Ride 12 kilometers gaining 1,117 meters at 9.1% average grade.
This beautiful bike climb begins in the Western Norway Region village of Osa at the northern tip of the Osa Fjord.
Summary from PJAMM contributor and good friend Heiko Linnert, Amberg, Germany:
The starting point for this exceptional bike climb is at the northern tip of Osafjord. From Ulvik turn right where the road Fv300 intersects the Osavegen, then it is about 500 meters to the start. There are also parking possibilities near the fjord. In 2010 I was there the first time with the Viking Tour stage race. We started neutralized in Ulvik (also a nice starting point but a long unlit tunnel is encountered on this route), free race was from the intersection in Osa. The Viking Tour visited it three times and I have participated on each of those occasions (2010, 2012, 2015). I have climbed Osafjelet each year beginning in 2010 and it is definitely my most favorite climb. A very lonely and special place, a challenging climb in a dramatic landscape!
The top of my climb-track was also the timing line (GPM) of the Viking Tour with a big rock on the right side. Maybe you will see some signs on the road from the race if they have not yet faded away. From the race finish it is possible to cycle further, first a downhill and again a climb to the wall of a great bassin (the reason for the street to nowhere) with a little higher altitude, but from our point of view it is better to finish where the Viking Tour race finishes and this is where the PJAMM and Strava segments finish. In 2015 there was still a lot of snow on the mountain in the end of July resulting in the Viking Tour finishing 400 meters below its normal finish, although two weeks later it was possible to do the whole climb. Take into consideration weather conditions before you travel to this climb.
This is a toll road for cars, but motorized vehicles are rare on this climb. In 2019 the road was repaired at many places and the roadway conditions were good. Be careful with bad weather and the conditions change very fast and can be very severe. In most cases you will be alone on this wonderful cycling experience.