Cycling Boulder Mountain North
Ride 16.2 miles gaining 2925’ to elevation 9,600’ at 2.9% average grade (4.3% climb only).
This climb on Scenic Byway 12 has exceptional views and is just west of Capitol Reef National Park which is to your left (east) the entire climb.
Climb summary by PJAMM’s Bruce Hamilton.
The Boulder Mountain Summit ride from the north is spectacular. We did it in September and it was particularly nice with the gold aspen trees all along the second half of the ride. The climb officially starts in Grover – about six miles south of Torrey on Highway 12 – but we started our ride in Torrey. The miles between Torrey and Grover were rolling with excellent views of the rock formations of the area and of Capital Reef National Park. The road starts uphill after you leave Grover and the entire climb is beautiful. Pristine perfectly smooth pavement with a wide shoulder for most of it only added to the beauty. Very little traffic on this route and the traffic we encountered was courteous. As we climbed we encountered cows in and along the road (it’s all ‘open range’) and as we got higher the autumn aspen trees were glowing yellow.
The PJAMM profile tool averages chunks that show a relatively low average grade but there are a few steeper bursts within some of the lower sections. Not a difficult climb by PJAMM standards but we did see 9-10% on our devices sometimes.
PJAMM Profile Tool
It would be easy to combine both the north side and the south side climbs into one ride. We turned back at the top and rode back to Torrey and the perfect pavement made for a fast descent that was really nice. Not sure how this ride would be on a summer weekend but highly recommended for a weekday ascent in spring or fall.
Thank you Stacy and Bruce!!