Cycling Left Hand Canyon, Colorado: A long but generally mild Top 100 US Bike Climb.
Ride 22.5 miles gaining 5,193’ to elevation 10,500’ at 4.1% average grade.
Climb summary by PJAMM’s John Johnson.
Climb begins by riding west on Left Hand Canyon from its T intersection with Highway 36.
Left Hand Canyon is a Top 100 US Climb and one of the most popular bike climbs in the Boulder, Colorado area. The climb follows Left Hand Creek until Left Hand Canyon turns into Indiana Gulch Road at mile 15. While we do not see the creek the entire climb, we are close enough to hear it, and when we don’t hear the creek, we hear the wind blowing through the trees that fill the canyon. This is a very calming and peaceful ride.
The grade rarely approaches double digits and is fairly mild throughout. The toughest section of the climb begins at a sharp right turn where Sawmill Rd, a popular mountain biking road, intersects with Left Hand Turn Road at around mile 15 -- this segment is 1.6 miles at 8.5% gradient.
Photos from the middle section of the climb, before Ward.
National Forest sign at mile 3.5.
Be sure to make the left turn to Ward at mile five.
Pass through Ward (pop. 155; 2017) at mile 16.
If possible, ride slowly through Ward and enjoy the town’s eclectic personality.
Depending on your point of view, there is either a lot of junk in and around Ward . . .
. . . or, in our opinion, a lot of relics and interesting road art.
Cool mailbox arrangements as we approach Ward.
Turn right onto Highway 72 at mile 16.9 of the route and then take the very next left onto Brainard Lake Road. The RideWithGPS cue sheet for this route is too confusing. There are only three turns: the aforementioned left at mile five, then right at mile 16.9 onto Highway 72, and then an almost immediate left onto what is signed as Brainard Lake Road -- follow that to the top of the climb at Brainard Lake.
Right onto Highway 72 at mile 16.9, and then left onto Brainard Lake Road in 30 yards.
The remaining portion of the climb is along Brainard Lake Road up to Brainard Lake. We enter Brainard Lake Recreational Area at mile 19.6 and as of July 2020, there was no charge for cyclists. While on this road, we are completely surrounded by thick forest. The road ends at Brainard Lake Recreation Area and Brainard Lake, with exceptional views of the stark surrounding mountains. Overall it is peaceful, not too strenuous, and a lovely climb just outside of Boulder, Colorado.
Toll Booth mile 19.6 -- as of 2020 no toll for cyclists.
The last 5.6 miles on Brainard Lake Road are peaceful, scenic, and relaxing (4.1% average grade).
The route finishes at Brainard Lake, Roosevelt National Forest.
This is a high-cyclists route. We know this from: (a) seeing many cyclists on the route on an early Monday afternoon, (b) there are more unique cycling road signs on this route than we have ever seen before, and (c) according to volunteered comments by the eclectic owner of the popular Utica Street Market in Ward, 200-300 cyclists per day stop at his place on the weekends during good weather.
Provisions Along the Climb: The aforementioned Utica Street Market is a haven for cyclists, as many stop and take advantage of the front benches, espresso, home baked cookies, and other fuels of choice. This is a bicycle friendly venue as is evidenced by not one, but three bicycle pumps available on site for use to anyone with a need.
This climb ends just above 10,000’ so, as with all climbs that end at higher altitude, expect the temperatures to be much colder than where you started and come prepared with appropriate additional warmer gear, and a pre-review of weather reports.
Steepest ¼ mile begins at mile 15 (11.3%) and steepest mile at 15.5 (8.6%).
Roadway Surface and Traffic Report: The road has no shoulder for much of the climb, yet this is never an issue as there is not much traffic along the route, and the speed limit is a maximum of 35 (reducing to 15 mph as we near and enter Ward).