![Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire - wet, two-lane road surrounded by fall foliage and mist]()
Cycling Route 118 North
Ride 5.5 miles gaining 1,573’ at 5.4% average grade.
This is a mild climb on New Hampshire Route 118. We are challenged a couple of times during the climb -- there is a 0.4 mile segment averaging 9.2% near the start, and another 9% grade just over a half-mile in the middle of the climb. As with most climbs in the White Mountains we are surrounded by trees most of the climb -- not a problem during the fall! During leaf peeping season, the White Mountains are very busy with sightseers.
![Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire - photo collage, NPS sign for White Mountain National Forest, fall foliage, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner]()
“The north side of Route 118 is one of the most scenic climbs in this guide. Beginning over shallow grade, you also dive into deep woods near the start. The grade is stair step for most of its length, with some steeper ramps to negotiate in places but there are no real surprises (and little traffic) on this popular hill. At one spot near the top the trees part to reveal long views to your left. It is brief however and the thick woods quickly close in again and take you up to its unmarked but obvious summit.” (This quote is provided with the approval of John Summerson from his book, The Complete Guide to Climbing (by Bike) in the Northeast, pg. 102.)
![Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire Cycling Route 118 North, New Hampshire - White Mountains Visitor Center]()
White Mountains Visitor Center, Lincoln, New Hampshire
Visit our White Mountains Fall Colors Climb Page.
Route 118 is in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, which are an extremely popular recreation area both during the summer and winter months. The White Mountains cover roughly a quarter of New Hampshire and have many great cycling climbs within the boundary.
This climb begins just west of Lincoln, New Hampshire (incorporated 1764; pop. 1,662 -- but many times that during tourist season). Though small, this is a bustling tourist town -- skiing in the winter, and crowded with hikers and fall color seekers in the summer and fall.