Cycling Axalp North
Ride 11 kilometers gaining 1,090 meters at 9.9% average grade
Axalp is a high alpine pasture that is accessed from the north by an extremely steep and challenging road. The gradient on the roadway rarely changes from between 8-12% - the steepest half km is 11.8% and the steepest 5 km segment is 10.3% average grade.
Climb summary by PJAMM Ambassador Helmuth Dekkers, Netherlands.
This climb starts in Brienz at the edge of the Brienzersee (Brienz lake) and does offer on the way up some nice views on the lake here and there when there is a gap between the trees. The ascent is just over 10km long but has an average gradient of 9.6%. Tough one! T
Views along the climb.
he road winds it way up with long straight stretches and a handful of hairpins which off a little relief.
After a little over 4km you'll see a restaurant, Bramisegg. You are almost halfway up now. After 8.8km you'll reach the village sign of Axalp. Almost there, 1.1km to go to what the BIG association (www.bigcycling.eu) considers to be the summit. This is the the parking place of the Sportbahnen (for skiing). But if you want then you can continue further up. After another 2km there is a turnoff to the left but you can still continue up. Not sure how far though as in my case the road was closed shortly after the turn off but I could see the tarmac going further. Explore and let us know how far you got 😉
Views of Lake Brienz (Brienzersee)
Thank you Helmuth!!