Cycling Paris Mountain South
Ride 3.8 miles gaining 825’ at 3.6% average grade (5.4% climb only)
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Dan Razum, San Jose, CA.
The climb starts at the intersection of Altamont Road and State Park Road. There is a bit of traffic on State Park Road, it is pretty busy, but luckily not so on Altamont Road. There are many houses on this side of Altamont Road (as opposed to climbing from the west) so we basically climb through a residential area, interspersed with some forest.
The road is in good condition, the pavement is smooth, but it is narrow, without a shoulder. We didn't encounter much traffic and the cars were courteous. We saw a few other cyclists as well, so we expect that the local residents are used to seeing bicycles.
The steepest part of the climb is at the beginning and it mellows out when we reach the ridgeline. We have some nice views of the city, mostly in between the houses that are built on the ridgeline for those same views.
The climb finishes at the intersection with Tower Road.
Tower Road continues to climb a little higher, but there is a sign saying that the road is closed and there is also a gate. The gate was open when we where there, so we decided to go ahead and check it out... Tower Road is a short road up to some radio towers, with several signs warning to leave the towers alone. Perhaps vandalism was an issue here?
Anyway, there is a nice view from the tower area, overlooking the city. So going up Tower Road doesn't really add anything to the climb, it is too short, but the views are nice.