Page Contributor(s): Anja Kalan, Škofja Loka, Slovenija; Ard Oostra, Switzerland


Page Contributor(s): Anja Kalan, Škofja Loka, Slovenija; Ard Oostra, Switzerland
Cycling the mythical Mount Olympus, Greece.
Ride 14.5 kilometers gaining 1,013 meters at 7% average grade.
Thanks to Anja Kalan of Škofja Loka, Slovenija for the photographs on this page. Anja road the mountain in May 2019 while its peaks were still white, demonstrating the beauty of this iconic mountain. For a moment she was the ZEUS of Mount Olympus!
Mount Olympus is on the Greek mainland and is really more of a mountain range than a solo mountain peak. It consists of many deep gorges, along with no less than 52 peaks, with Mytikas (meaning nose) being the highest at 2,917 meters (9,570’). At 1,643 meters, our ride ends well below Olympus’s highest peak, but this is a worthy ride towards the home of the gods.
The climb up Mount Olympus is decent in terms of gradient (7% average) and gets above 10% a few times for short sections.
Climb summary from our Legendary Mountains co-author Ties Arts, Bussum, Netherlands.
On the list of Iconic Mountains, the home of the mythological Greek Gods – Mount Olympus – is a star by itself. In Greek mythology, this mighty mountain was purportedly made by the Olympian Gods themselves.
The myth is that the ancient gods looked down upon the earth each day and decided on the fate of humanity. The Titans, who were the older gods, battled with the younger gods, the Olympians, for control of the world. When the young gods defeated the Titans, they celebrated their victory by building Mount Olympus. The cloudy peaks were believed to be a screen created by the deities to hide themselves from the prying eyes of humankind. All Greek gods lived here, with the supreme god Zeus as their leader. Zeus was the protector and ruler of humankind, the dispenser of good and evil, and the god of weather and atmospheric phenomena (such as rain and thunder).
So climbing this mountain can make you feel like a god -- are you ready to try your hand at becoming the Zeus of this Iconic mountain??
The south ascent is the most beautiful one, it is switchback heaven (32x) and has magnificent views along the mythical countryside and mountain.
You crawl yourself 14.7km up to the K.O.E.A.X., which is the starting point for skiing in the winter. Here you will see buildings belonging to the Greek military.
It is not uncommon to encounter free range cattle on the climb.
Thank you Anja!!