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This very scenic and practically private climb begins just at Alder Creek/Hwy 162, 18 miles west of Interstate 5/Willows, California. Within a half mile we enter Mendocino National Forest and climb from the open oak studded fields of the lower portion, into the low shrub covered foothills and finally into an alpine setting by the final third of the climb.
During our couple of hours on this road, we encountered only 2 moving vehicles and each passed slowly and safely. Note that this the temperatures in this part of California are quite hot during the summer and there is essentially no shade on the roadway for nearly the entire climb. There is no water source along the climb, so come prepared with plenty of water for you trip.
Roadway surface and traffic: The roadway surface is excellent, there are two lanes divided by a center line the entire climb and while there is no shoulder this hardly matters as there are no cars to require the need for such.