Beth-rah Pass Bike Climb - PJAMM Cycling

8.2 mi
4,460 ft
10.3 %


Page Contributor(s): Ties Arts, Bussum, Netherlands


This 8.2 mile bike climb is located in Al Bahah Province, Saudi Arabia. The average gradient is 10.3% and there is a total elevation gain of 4,460 ft, finishing at 5,907 ft.

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Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Saudi Arabia - PJAMM Cyclist John Johnson stands with bike in front of desert landscape, Asir mountains behind

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia

Ride eight miles gaining 4,479’ at 10.4% average grade.

Another epic and World Top 100 Bike Climb that was undiscovered by the cycling world and had no Strava segment . . . until now!!  Check out my ride on Strava.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - bike parked in front of road sign that reads "No Entry for Trucks", panoramic views of Asir Mountains at beginning of climb

Views at the beginning of the climb.

Asir Mountains, climb can be seen in the canyon left center

Climb is through the canyon left center and ends top right center.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - road forks, to the right is steep roadway leading up Asir mountains

This climb is all about STEEP!!  As is seen from the gradient profile below, a full mile of the climb is above 14%, and the average for the climb is above 10%.  I can say from personal experience that this is one of the toughest bike climbs you will ever find due to its extended extremely steep gradients.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - ride grade and profile

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - 100 yard stretch of two-lane highway roadway at 17%

100 yards at 17%.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage, Garmin showing 20% grade, view looking down at roadway carved into Asir mountainsides from above, sign for steep grade and sharp turn, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

20% was the steepest I saw displayed on my Garmin during the climb.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - view from behind PJAMM Cyclist climbing roadway, hairpin turns can be seen up the entire mountainside to the top of the mountain

After STEEP comes BENDS on Beth-rah Pass.

The final six miles of the climb has 48 hairpin turns.  Dare we say this is the Stelvio of Saudi??.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - view from roadway up the mountainside, showing the entire six miles of hairpin turns up the mountain

Photo is taken from the start of six miles of hairpins.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - view from the top looking down on two lane road switchbacking up the mountain, PJAMM Cyclist can be seen below, climbing up the mountain

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage of PJAMM Cyclist climbing up steep portions of the roadway

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage looking down on extremely sharp hairpin turns up the mountain

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage looking down on extremely sharp hairpin turns up the mountain

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage, bike parked against guardrail on side of road, head on photo of huge hairpin turn, view looking across the mountainside

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - photo collage, road blocked and traffic stopped for sherd of goats crossing roadway, bike parked in center of hairpin turn, two lanes of traffic, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

It is not uncommon to encounter herds of sheep or goats on these more rural roads.

Cycling Beth-rah Pass, Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia - small white shade tents at finish of climb, blue traffic signs written in Arabic, PJAMM Cyclist approaches climb finish, view from the top, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

Climb finish.