Climb Summary
Cohasset is a gem of a climb and the Go-To out of Northern California’s Chico area. Our climb begins in sight of and following the Anderson Fork River at a steady 5-6% grade.
These first few miles are without any shade and as all those who know the Chico area during the summer, it can get mighty H O T! There is a bit of shade at mile 5 with a bit of a respite. All traffic seems residential in nature and this is a mild traffic climb.
Of note along the climb is a quaint old church, cool gas station with vintage pumps, and antique shop. This is an old and somewhat tired area - One house had a sign saying it was built in 1907 and it appears so. The community is very rural, many guard dogs were barking and gunshots were audible as we climbed – somewhat the adventure, this!
The road is in great condition and as noted, minimal traffic. The last portion of the climb stair steps and ends at a gravel road. The descent is a blast and this climb is worth the effort if you live in, pass through or are visiting the Northern California Chico area and are game for a great workout.