Cycling Plati - Zervo
Ride 13.7 kilometers gaining 780 meters at 5.6% average grade.
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Bruce Hamilton, Midway, Utah.
This climb begins in the small village of Plati – inland from the coastal town of Bovalino. We started at the beach and rode through some beautiful rolling hills and quiet Italian countryside before arriving in Plati. Note that the town of Plati is the only place to get water or refreshments and once you leave and start the climb it is a very quiet and isolated area.
The climb was spectacular with views looking back down at town and toward the coast. The road had endured several rockslides and mudslides and there were quite a few dirt sections and places where the debris had been cleared just enough to barely get through. Very remote section of the mountains – we did not see any cars or people for several hours on the day we rode this climb. Several times we came across herds of goats and herding dogs. We made it on 30mm road tires but have no idea what future conditions or conditions at different times of year may bring.
The climb ends up in the Parco Nationale dell’Aspromonte park and connects to the ridge road that runs down the backbone of the mountain range in Calabria. Riding this one was a top-notch epic day and highly recommended climb. It’s very remote and as someone who doesn't speak Italian I probably would not do this climb alone. But if you’re riding Calabria climbs definitely make sure this one is on your to-do list.