Cycling Denali National Park Entrance Climb
Ride 7.5 miles, gaining 1,414feet at 3.5%.
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Bryant Robbins, Palmer, Alaska.
This climb starts at the Denali National Park entrance. It is the only paved climb in the park and makes for a nice scenic ride. We saw a number of moose when we rode it.
This section of the park road is open to private vehicles so traffic could be heavy, but speed limits are slow.
As with many climbs in Alaska, carrying bear spray is a good idea. You can see a canister tucked into the back of the Jersey in one of the pictures. Speaking of bears, we weren’t able to complete this climb because a section of the road was closed to bicyclists because a grizzly bear was guarding a kill in the area.
Apparently, this kind of closure is not uncommon. The park service recommendation is for cyclists to wait for the next bus and then ride the bus through the closed area. A review of the 2021 bus schedule indicated this could make for a long wait, but the busses may run more often in non-pandemic times.