Cycling Sitgreaves Pass West
Ride 4.5 miles gaining 1,038’ at 3.8% average grade (5.4% climb only)
Climb summary and photos by PJAMM ambassador Dan Razum, Campbell, CA.
For Sitgreaves Pass West we start the climb in the town of Oatman, AZ. Technically, the road
slopes upwards all the way from Topock, over 20 miles away, but the meat of the climb is from Oatman
up to the pass, so we chose Oatman as our starting point.
Oatman is a small touristy town and well worth a visit to see the charm and scenery of old historic Route 66. This climb is on one of the few remaining original sections of Route 66. So if you're a cyclist and you want to get your kicks then
do this climb on Route 66!
You will most likely encounter wild donkeys or mules in Oatman, although they are actually pretty
tame since they are accustomed to people and free food from tourists. However, be aware that the
donkeys can roam far and wide so be careful in sharp turns, as you may come across some donkeys
standing in the road.
The climb starts out gently and even has a short downhill section in the first part. Then we approach
a mine and the gradient kicks up a bit which means that the steepest part of the climb is the
second half. And of course there isn't any shade and things tend to heat up in the desert, so bring
plenty of water. Luckily, the climb isn't too long so the heat doesn't have a chance to wear you
down too much.
Sitgreave Pass from the west has steeper sections than from the east but the scenery is a little
better on the eastern side. However, both sides are well worth doing for the thrill of riding old
Route 66.
Thank you Dan!!