Cycling up one of the steepest bike climbs in the US - Eldred Street, Los Angeles
Ride 140 yards (if you can) gaining 11 stories at 29.1% average grade.
Although our calculations read 29.1% average grade for the climb, these short climbs do have more gradient variance than longer climbs. Some report the grade at 33% while Strava has it at 28%.
PJAMM’s Sam Lyons fell on his first attempt (34 chain ring and 32t cassette) on his first attempt, but managed, with a bit of paperboy, on his second effort.
Eldred Street ios the greatest cycling challenge in LA.
Those of you familiar with our profile tool appreciate that is the black screen of death - our gradient tool transitions from black to purple at 25%. There are not more than a handful of climbs in the world that are all black. While Eldred does not have a completely black profile, it’s as close as any cyclist will ever want to encounter.
There is a downhill on Eldred approaching climb start. 👍
Start of climb.
Short but deadly!
Paperboy ain’t cheatin if you are at nearly 30% grade.
Climb finish - looking northeast towards Pasadena.