Climb Summary
A hidden jewel of Sonoma County cycling. This one is just not on the radar of even many an experienced Sonoma County cyclist. Thanks to Tayler Hockett and Jake Baumbach for directing us to it. We recommend this climb to those who have not yet experienced it.
While the climb is tough for most of its length, our Garmin never registered below 19% on the final tenth of a mile and hit 22% at its apex. As we climb Warrington Road, there are many excellent views of the Northern Coast Mountain Range to the west and south, including several great views of Mt. Tamalpais to the south. We pass by many valley oaks and eucalyptus trees on the ascent and look back towards the grass and grazing lands east of Rohnert Park during our climb.
Roadway Surface and Traffic: The roadway is one lane and fairly rough, but easily (well, the road, not the climb) manageable on a road bike. There is next to no traffic and this is a safe climb, although caution due to grade, loose gravel and tight turns is required on the descent.