Page Contributor(s): Dan Razum, Campbell, California, USA; Dennis M., Cupertino, California, USA.


Page Contributor(s): Dan Razum, Campbell, California, USA; Dennis M., Cupertino, California, USA.
Cycling Hicks Road, Mt. Umunhum South
Ride 5.5 miles gaining 2,697’ at 9.3% average grade.
Climb summary by PJAMM’s John Johnson.
Center photo is taken with drone above the Cube.
Before heading out to climb Mt. Umunhum, be sure to rely on our list of Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip, and use our interactive checklist to ensure you don't forget anything.
How does Umunhum South rank in Santa Clara County, California, and the United States compared to the other top bike climbs?
Drone video of The Cube: San Jose, Silicon Valley in background.
Hicks Road South up Mt. Umunhum (Ohlone for "resting place of the hummingbird") is the second most difficult bike climb in Santa Clara County.
Turn onto Mt. Umunhum Road at mile 1.7
Hicks-Umunhum South begins at the western end of Almaden Reservoir.
Mt. Umunhum Road (The Cube in background).
We enter Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve (the route to Mt. Umunhum) at around 1.7 miles from the southern Hicks road start. From here it is about 4½ more miles to the high point of the climb. We have great views of the Santa Cruz Mountains to the west and the Silicon Valley, Mt. Hamilton, and the Diablo Mountain Range to the east. The ranked route ends about 1½ miles from The Cube. Full routes to The Cube from north and from south are accessed via the links. When you arrive near the summit, there is a main parking lot for cars but you can go to the right and continue a couple hundred yards up to the handicap parking lot at the top and view The Cube in all its glory.
Mt. Umunhum Road is cycle friendly.
Gettin to The Cube . . .
The Cube, with its angular shape visible from great distances, leaves no doubt where the top of Mt. Umunhum is.
Views from the observation deck next to The Cube.
Drone video of The Cube -- Silicon Valley in background.
Drone take off from the top of The Cube.
Roadway Surface and Traffic Report: Hicks Road from the Silicon Valley side is a great ride, though the two lane road is narrow and there is mild traffic with many curves along the way that make it a slightly unsettling climb, particularly if starting from the South Bay. The Northern side has minimal traffic and is very safe. Mt. Umunhum has no traffic and is a single lane rough road which was was recently repaved (September 2017) and is in very good condition. There is moderate traffic from people visiting the summit, but car speeds are low and the ride feels quite safe.
Mt. Umunhum Road just below center of photo;
Mt. Hamilton (Lick Observatory) is center in mountain range in background.
About the Area:
At 3,486 feet, Mt. Umunhum is one of the highest peaks in the Santa Cruz Mountain Range, and is part of the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve. The summit of Mt. Umunhum has been newly restored and revived by the Midpeninsula Open Space District (MOSD), and has been recently reopened for public access. From the peak beautiful panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and the Sierra Nevada mountain range can be enjoyed. Visit MOSD’s website for more information on this unique public space, including the peak’s historical significance as a Native American ceremonial site, and later as an important part of the west coast’s Air Force presence with what is now known as the Mt. Umunhum Cube -- a five story Cold War era radio building built in the early 1960s.
That’s a wrap!!