Cycling Monitor Pass, home of the Death Ride - an epic Sierra Nevada bike climb.
Photo - Aerial view west from location directly above Monitor Pass markers.
California Top 10 Most Epic Climb
Visit our Death Ride page for detailed information on each route and climb in this ride.
Monitor Pass East and West are 2 of the Death Ride’s 5 climbs.
This is the first of the five death ride passes and starts about 7.5 miles southeast of the start of the Death Ride (Turtle Rock County Park). The climb is challenging, particularly around the 1.5-3.5 mark (8.8% average grade) and miles 4.65-5.6 (7.9%).
Ride 8.2 miles gaining 2,729’ to elevation 8,335’ at 6.1% average grade. This is the traditional First Climb of the annual Markleeville, Alpine County Death Ride.
Death Riders strung out going up Monitor West.
There are sweeping high sierra views once you climb out of the canyon at the start of the ascent. The road is closed for the Death Ride, but there are hundreds of cyclists around you at this point of the ride (and will be for both Monitor passes and Ebbetts East (things begin to thin on Pass Four (Ebbetts West).
On our way up Monitor West during the 2015 Death Ride.
Finishing Monitor West.
There are two summit signs at the top of the climb.
Photo - from upper left clockwise:
Ebbetts Pass East; Monitor Pass West; Ebbetts Pass West. and Monitor Pass East.
That’s a wrap!!