Cycling Winfrey Valley Cutoff
Ride 2.7 miles gaining 1,021’ at 7.2% average grade.
Start climb at Pense Reed Cemetery
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Dan Razum, San Jose, California.
We start the climb next to the Pense-Reed Cemetery, which is where the pavement starts on Winfrey Valley Cutoff. If you have a gravel bike you could start a little sooner, near the junction with Winfrey Valley Road (which is also a dirt road) but it is fairly flat between the junction and the cemetery so you don't miss much by cutting out the dirt portion. Most likely they didn't pave the road where it is flatter and less likely to wash out from rain and weather.
The road is a narrow country road with thick vegetation on either side, sometimes encroaching on the road. The road surface is ok, a few patches here and there, but is in generally acceptable condition. There isn't much traffic, which is understandable since it just leads to dirt roads.
After climbing Winfrey Valley Cutoff we turn right on Highway 71. This is a much larger road and there is some traffic, but not too bad. For most of the way there is an additional climbing lane for traffic, as well as a small shoulder, so we felt fine riding on it.
The top isn't marked but it is pretty clear when you reach the end of the climbing. Also, the additional climbing lane ends, and Highway 71 reverts back from 3 lanes to 2 lanes.