Cycling Keel Mountain North
Ride 1.5 miles gaining 865’ at 11.1% average grade.
This is the top ranked bike climb in Alabama and is also the steepest overall climb (start to finish) at 11.1% than any other climb and has the steepest 1 mile segment in the state.
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Dan Razum.
The climb isn't too long but it makes up for that by being steep. There are a lot of trees along the way providing shade, but you're still going to break a sweat on this one. It starts out with double digits right from the beginning and it doesn't let up until you reach the top.
The road is in decent condition. There are a couple of places where the road is wide, but for the most part there is no shoulder. But traffic is light and doesn't move fast, so it felt safe to bike.
At the top the road continues on and will eventually run into the Keel Hollow climb, so it is easy to add on additional riding, if you so desire.
A couple of blocks from the base of the climb there is ample parking at the Gurley Recreational Center. There are also places to park along Highway 72, although it is probably better not to bike along Highway 72, it is busy with high speed traffic.