Bealach na Ba - Applecross to Radio Tower Bike Climb - PJAMM Cycling

6.1 mi
2,455 ft
7.7 %



This 6.1 mile bike climb is located in Scotland, United Kingdom. The average gradient is 7.7% and there is a total elevation gain of 2,455 ft, finishing at 2,489 ft.

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panoramic view of Bealach na Bà from Applecross climb, road cuts through center of mountains

Cycling Bealach na Ba from Applecross, Scotland

Ride 5.2 miles gaining 1,975’ at 7.3% average grade.

This is an epic bike climb that is ranked #2 Scotland and #5 in the entire United Kingdom.  See PJAMM’s United Kingdom’ and our UK Top 10 pages for more exceptional UK climbs.

photo collage shows road signs warning of single track, steep, narrow road; PJAMM Cyclist rides on one-lane roadway; aerial drone view shows road snaking across ridgeline

The Western side of Bealach Na Ba starts in the small village of Applecross, home to just a few hundred residents. On the day that I road the clime in early July (from Loch Killorn over and back), I stopped to refuel at a small pop-up cafe.  The gradients stay in the single digits as the lower mountain road passes farms with views of the bay below. As the jagged mountains ahead get closer, the gradients get more difficult. Like the eastern side of the mountain, the road is incredibly narrow, but this side of the route is far less trafficked by tourists. It seems that most tourists drive the eastern side and descend back down it. There is a dirt road on your left side (just past the summit point of our route) that goes up to a radio tower. It is possible to ride on a standard road bike, but it is very difficult. Gradients hold steady in the double digits and the loose rocks make keeping traction very difficult (and very treacherous to descend). That said, it is doable on a road bike, and well worth it for the breathtaking views. Adding this dirt road to the climb makes this the hardest bike climb in the entire UK (see hypothetical list below).

photo collage shows views of tiny village of Applecross, Highlands, Scottland; old white and stone buildings, grey sky

Applecross, Highlands, Scotland (population 544).

The village is on Applecross Bay.

photo collage shows road signs at climb start

Start climbing at the northern edge of Applecross.

This side of the climb begins in the Scottish Highlands village of Shore Street on Applecross Bay.  The ascent from Applecross is statistically just as challenging and nearly as long as the traditional climb from the west.  

photo collage shows views on first 1.5 miles of the climb; road signs warning of swithcbacks; bike parked against low concrete retaining wall, green hillsides

Leaving Applecross and the first 1.5 miles of the climb.

Applecross Bay

Views looking back towards Applecross Bay during the first segment of the climb.

aerial drone views of Applecross Bay

Aerial views of Applecross Bay and the first section of roadway leading to the pass.

aerial drone views further up hillside; roadway snakes rocky through green hillsides

Moving further up the hill.

Top two photos are the route from Applecross to the top.
Bottom left is Coire na Ba (Corrie of the Cattle)

Top two photos are the route from Applecross to the top.

Bottom left is Coire na Ba (Corrie of the Cattle; Corrie is a hollow in a hillside).

birds of prey along the climb

aerial drone views show Loch Kishorn

Loch Kishorn and the start of the traditional Bealach na Ba climb.

bike parked at the climb's standard finish location; sign for Bealach na Ba viewpoint

Standard finish location.

photo collage shows bike parked against metal fence, gravel road, radio tower

Bonus climb to the radio tower.

The gate to the radio tower is just beyond the finish of the standard Applecross climb.  It is 8/10ths of a mile at 10.7% to the tower from the gate.  

Above is a list of the Top 10 UK climbs, if Bealach na Ba to the radiator tower were included.  However, the terrain does not lend itself sufficiently to a road bike such that we would include it on the Top 10 list.

That’s a wrap - from the true summit!