Cycling Hogpen Gap East
Ride 7.1 miles gaining 2,146’ at 4.9% average grade.
Climb summary by PJAMM’s John Johnson.
We are surrounded by the lush Appalachian Mountain forest as we climb. The climb is much harder than its average 4.9% suggests because four descents (one of 1.1 miles at -2.1%) reduce the gradient for the overall 7.1 mile climb. However, this is a tough bike ride with the first two miles at 5.9% and 10% average grade for 2.1 miles beginning at mile three.
Before heading out to climb Hogpen Gap, be sure to rely on our list of Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip, and use our interactive checklist to ensure you don't forget anything.
This is one of the Six Gap Scenic North Georgia tour routes.
(Wolfpen Gap, Woody Gap, Neels Gap, Hogpen Gap, Unicoi Gap and Jacks Gap).
Climb begins by riding west up Route 348 (GA Scenic Byway) from its T intersection with Route 75A
Mile 4-5 averages 10%
The Hogpen Gap climbs are along Richard B. Russell Scenic Highway and end at the Appalachian Trail, which crosses our path at the Gap. These bike climbs are in the Blue Ridge Mountain subrange of the Appalachian Mountains and are in the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest (866,468 acres, established in 1936).
Hogpen East during fall colors.
The 2,190 mile Appalachian Trail crosses Hogpen Gap at about 30 miles east of its start at
Springer Mountain, Georgia.
View at the overlook at the top of the climb.
Hogpen Gap is the most difficult climb of the 103.8 mile/11,230 vertical feet Six Gap Century (Neel Gap, Hogpen Gap, Unicoi Gap, Jack’s Gap, Wolfpen Gap, and Woody Gap). A route map of the Six Gap Century can be found here.
Hogpen Gap West
A nice 45 mile loop with 6,305 vertical feet begins in Helen, and we have included Brasstown Bald in that route. Ride 2.2 miles to 3,452’ gaining 1,235’ at 10.5% average grade.
That’s a wrap!!