Cycling Evans Notch South
Ride 2.4 miles gaining 878’ at 7% average grade.
Climb start
Climb summary by PJAMM ambassador Dan Razum.
This climb starts very close to the Maine-New Hampshire state line. It's kind of interesting to start riding in New Hampshire, just to say you did a ride covering 2 states only if it's only 100 yards in one state! Plus it's cool to take a picture of the signs showing the state lines.
In New Hampshire the road has lane markings and the pavement is in good condition. As we enter Maine, the lane markings disappear and the surface is slightly worse. The pavement is still in decent condition, though, and the road doesn't become any more narrow, so it's all good. The road is two lanes, without any shoulder but traffic is light, we encountered more motorcycles than cars.
This climb is a decent workout, the bulk of the climb is right around 10% gradient, making this side a tougher climb than the other side. There is a thick forest on either side of the road, so plenty of shade, but the trees also block any views there might be. Of course, the forest itself is nice scenery and provides mental relaxation for the climb, you can get a feeling of being one with nature.
When we reach the top the forest opens up and there is a traffic pull off at the Notch with a great view of the surrounding landscape.