Epic: a long, narrative poem focusing on a legendary character who performs extraordinary heroic deeds, often on a mythical scale. The Hero embarks on long, perilous journeys, fights in glorious battles, and may not always conquer, but always fulfills their greater destiny.
So how do we define "Epic" when it comes to bike climbs? Quite similar to above.
These rides usually take significant effort to travel to. A truly once-in a-lifetime ride (unless you go back!). They're often incredibly difficult climbs, rides that will probably take all day and every ounce of energy you have to conquer it.
If you want an adventure, you've come to the right place.
The World's Most Epic gravel bike climbs can be viewed on this page via the map (zoom in to view climbs in particular areas), by Climb Cards (photo and stats) or by a detailed list of the climbs that can be arranged in metric or imperial units by difficulty, distance (longest climbs in the area), altitude gained, highest elevation (highest summit), average grade (sort the grades by varying distances), lowest start point, etc. Click on "Climb Page" to jump to the detail page for that particular bike climb. We feel this page provides an excellent and comprehensive summary of the world's most epic bicycle climbs.