Cycling Cavedale Road, Sonoma County, CA
Ride 4.9 miles gaining 1,900’ at 7.3% average grade.
This climb ranks #7 on the Sonoma County Top 10 list with a Fiets Index of 4.2
Start - Hwy 12 and Cavedale Road.
Interesting monument near the start.
Private funds contributed in 1915 to build the road.
Sheesh . . . talk about inflation!
The view along much of the first half of the ride is very scenic, with spectacular views of the Sonoma Valley and its vineyards far below. The grade is generally smooth (albeit moderately steep), with a few extreme pitches (a couple of short stretches in the 16% range).
Narrow road, but minimal traffic and some great views of the Sonoma Valley
Mt. Tam can be seen in the background of both video clips.
View southwest at mile 2.1
Lower half of Cavedale Road bike climb.
Mt. St. Helena top center of photo to the north via drone aerial photo from top of Cavedale climb.
This likely put the “Cave” in Cavedale!
Descent: We stongly recommend against descending this road. The pavement is extremely poor, with many potholes, gravel and rough stretches (one of the worst in Sonoma County). The alternate descent is Trinity Road which intersects Cavedale about 2.3 miles west along rolling generally flat terrain.
There is water and tools 2.3 miles at Trinity and Cavedale Road intersection.
That’s a wrap!