Coleman Valley Road -- A steep climb from the Pacific Coast five miles north of Bodega Bay.
Ride 1.6 miles gaining 801’ to elevation 864’ at 9.5% average grade.
Sonoma County Top 5 Scenic Bike Climbs
Climb summary submitted by PJAMM Cycling founder and 60 year Sonoma County resident John Johnson.
This climb is the first leg (or last if you travel from Occidental) of one of Sonoma County's cycling jewels -- Coleman Valley Road. Rivaling Kings Ridge and Geysers Road in its offering of the scenic beauty of Sonoma County, CVR is on our "must do" list for those living in or visiting Sonoma County. Whether you are here to wine taste, visit, or cycle, you will not regret fitting in the 10.1 miles of CVR between Occidental and Highway 1 (20.2 miles round trip, see the map for more details). CVR is a main segment of one of the 100 mile Levi's Gran Fondo routes. The crux of Coleman Valley Road is the first 1.6 miles after turning off Highway 1 and heading east up this epic road and climb.
Climb’s start.
Looking west from the start.
Through the cypress tree tunnel just past the start.
Exceptional views west as we climb.
Finish at the cypress trees.
1975 Montgomery High School Grad Mark Hoffenberg (right).
World and four-time US Masters cycling champion.
Mt. St. Helena in the background -- northeast of Coleman Valley Road.
Coleman Valley Road from Occidental to Hwy 1 and back is my favorite Sonoma County ride.
Coleman Valley School built 1864 - 2 ½ miles west of Occidental on Coleman Valley Road.
Photo far right - Western Sonoma County Historical Society.
The Coleman Valley Road bike climb begins about 2½ miles north of Bodega Bay (population 1,077, 2010) Sonoma County, Northern California. Or, you can come from Occidental:
Occidental is a quaint and fun town with several great restaurants
I have been coming to the Union Hotel for 50 years . . .
. . . went there with my wife, Mark and other friends for Montgomery HS 1975 prom.
Roadway Surface and Traffic Report: The roadway is in moderately good condition with no shoulder (at points it is more of a wide single lane), but with minimal traffic.
Coleman Valley Road, Sonoma County, has been included four times in the Tour of California between 2006 and 2019.
That’s a wrap!!