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Cycling Punta Olimpica East
Ride 19 kilometers gaining 1,207 meters at 6.3% to 4,736 meters (15,538’).
This beautiful bike climb begins in the tiny village of Huallin, Peru (population ~250). The final kilometers of the climb are up to extremely high altitude, towards and past stunning snow-capped mountains, a glacier, three glacially formed lakes, and through a great set of hairpins.
First set of upper hairpins from kilometer 9.9 to 10.1 at 5.3%.
Glacier just above Laguna Yanarraju, as seen at kilometer 10.
17 upper hairpins begin a kilometer 11.6 - you’ll ride 7.3 km at 6%.
Laguna Huallcococha.
We ride between glacially formed lakes Belaunde (right) and Cancaraga (left) at km 18.5.
Riding the upper hairpins.
Laguna Belaunde
This is an open range ride.
Finish at the tunnel.
Do not attempt to ride through this tunnel -- it is long, narrow and dark.