Page Contributor(s): Stacy Topping, Tacoma, WA, USA


Page Contributor(s): Stacy Topping, Tacoma, WA, USA
Cycling Badger Mountain Road
Ride 7.5 miles gaining 2,525’ at 6.3% average grade.
Badger Mtn Rd PJAMM Documented Ride Ranked # 10 WA State
Distance 7.5 Average grade 6.90% Elevation Gained 2462
This open space mountain ride starts at Eastmont Ave 15th and Badger Mtn Rd in Wenatchee,Wa. Badger Mtn Road is mostly uphill with a grade average of 6.90%, topping out at 12% and is considered Category two, not suitable for beginners. It is a good road and has a small shoulder but is traveled by cars, so cyclists need to be careful What you’ll see on this ride is small housing areas, rolling wheatfields, fields of wildflowers, view of the town, lake, and mountain range. It is completely exposed so best to ride in morning or late afternoon on a hot day and wear your sun protection
Wenatchee is the largest city in Chelan County and known as the Apple Capital of the World. The views from Badger Mtn are excellent of the city of Wenatchee,Lake Chelan and the Cascade Mountain Range.