Cycling Sam’s Point, New York
This is an little used route out of Ellenville in southeastern New York that shares its first 1.7 miles with Mt. Meenagha Road, another NY State Top 10. The roadway is minimally travelled and the climb very quiet. We are surrounded by forest the entire ride, so there are no distant views along the way.
This climb is entirely within the Minnewaska State Park Preserve (est. 1993; 22,275 acres).
The Sam's Point Preserve, located on the highest section of the Shawangunk Mountains, is the most southerly section of Minnewaska State Park Preserve. The area comprises approximately 5,000 acres, and contains a globally rare community of high altitude pitch pine barrens. The pitch pine barrens, and the matrix of chestnut oak forest that surrounds them, provide habitat for abundant flora and fauna, both rare and common. See, Sam's Point, New York Parks Website