Mt. Graham Bike Climb - PJAMM Cycling

21.6 mi
6,146 ft
5.2 %


Page Contributor(s): Bo Jensen, Syracuse, NY, USA


"Mount Graham, located in the arid and lumpy southeastern part of the Grand Canyon State, is one of the most difficult climbs in scenic Arizona.  While the paved road does not reach the very top of the hill it does reach up to high altitude.  The route ascends the steep east side of one of the many large island mountains in the area and which are quite dramatic.  Never particularly steep, the climb's length and solid grade will make most riders work to reach the listed summit." (This quote is presented with the approval of John Summerson, from his book, The Complete Guide to Climbing (by Bike), 2nd Edition, pg. 128.)


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This is a relentless bike climb averaging 5.5% (6.2% climb only) which begins very mildly at relatively continuous 4-5% grade for the first 5.5 miles which increases to 7.6% for the next four miles before offering a very brief descent - 11.4%.  The steepest quarter mile is during this four miles as is the 8.5% steepest mile on the climb.  9% of the climb is at 10+%. 

See more details and tools regarding this climb's grade via the “Profile Tool” button.
Roadway:  While perfectly rideable, much of the road is in less than ideal condition, making for a bumpy descent.  Note that the road may close for winter - check Highway 366 Road conditions at

Traffic:  Minimal and not a problem.

Parking:  There is ample parking near the start of the climb off the side of the road, and everywhere else nearby, for that matter.  MapStreet View
Provisions: Bring your own - there is nowhere along the climb to get drink or food.  The closest food and beverages are 3.6 miles north at the Jo-Bi Convenience Market in Safford (map). 

:  Check the PJAMM Weather Tool for weather conditions at the top of this climb which ends above 9,000', nearly 5,000' above where you begin.  The weather at the top may be much colder than at the bottom, particularly in the spring or fall time frames.  We were snowed on at 8,000' in March one year. 
Before heading out on any cycling adventure check out our Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip and use our interactive check list to ensure you don't forget anything.
Hotels near Mt. Graham (in Safford)
- Hotels in Tucson (2 hrs away)
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Mt. Graham is a remote bike climb. We have climbed Mt. Graham four times, twice staying in Safford, near the start of the climb. We've also stayed in Tucson which has more hotel options (for our Arizona Big Three trip - Graham-Mt. Lemmon-Kitt Peak), but is 128 miles away and a two hour drive,  which makes for a long day



Difficulty: Strenuous



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Arizona: Cycling and Spring Training
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Arizona: Mt. Lemmon
United States (AZ)
28 POIs
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Feb 22, 2025
skip lemmon and do this instead. or do it twice. the part indicated by PJAMM takes you to the end of the pavement. do it on a gravel bike and the total round trip is a bout 60 miles. it was chilly. the lake at the end of the road has water (part of it not iced ever according to forest service ranger) but you need to filter it.
Jan 10, 2024
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 3
Jan 10, 2024
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 3
We rode this in March of 2023. We had snow at the top but the weather was great. Definitely want to bring warmer clothes for the decent. The road surface going up felt fine but it was very dicey going down. A lot of lose gravel may have been partially due to the time of year, but it certainly was a challenge for about 8-10 miles going down. I have rim brakes and never felt unsafe but you had to be very careful not to hit a gravel spot on a corner. Beautiful ride and a tough climb. Very similar in distance and elevation gain to Stelvio from bormeo so it’s a tough climb.
Nov 9, 2023
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 5
traffic: 5
road: 4
Nov 9, 2023
scenery: 5
traffic: 5
road: 4
Magnificent adventurous climb with no traffic. Mauna Kea was harder, very different, but so satisfying. If you are anywhere in Arizona and love climbing by bike, man… do it.
Sep 16, 2023
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 2
Sep 16, 2023
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 2
Sept 15, 2023 A wonderful grind from hot to cool. First ½ of the climb is full sun, desert-like. 2nd ½ is partial shade, excellent switchbacks, evergreens in high Alpine setting. Finish is a bit mehhhhh with just a parking area. Decent down top 3 miles is a blast, but ... then the road becomes very rough and very jarring for the next 12 miles - uggggg. Then gets better for the straight shot back to the start. No water available.
Apr 9, 2023
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 3
Apr 9, 2023
scenery: 4
traffic: 5
road: 3
Beautiful climb, peaceful , very little traffic and no other bikes on the mountain. Loved the many switchbacks. Has did Mt. Lemmon the day before and I will affirm that this ride was harder. People are missing out if they don't ride this while in the area. Descending was bumpy due to road but still fun.
May 4, 2022
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 5
traffic: 5
road: 2
May 4, 2022
scenery: 5
traffic: 5
road: 2
My wife & I did this climb in early April during a car trip to CA. We loved it and consider it one of our top climbing experiences in the country if not the world. It was our #2 favorite ride of the trip (Onion Valley was #1). It was spiritually majestic due to how contemplatively quiet it was especially through the forested upper switchbacks (along with some vibes from this being a sky island sacred to many native SW people). Even though this is a long strenuous climb the scenery and emotional experience (along with lots of training) added enough exhilaration to mostly overcome the trepidation of the stats alone. OTOH the road surface is marginal (I called it “more chip than seal”) with many sections decomposing into gravelly potholes. Therefore the descent was a far-less enjoyable “go-slow and stay-focused” grind. But the images of this climb (along with Onion Valley, Stelvio & a few others) will forever bring me joy. Thank you PJAMM for helping to make these climbs possible for us.
Apr 10, 2021
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 3
traffic: 4
road: 4
Apr 10, 2021
scenery: 3
traffic: 4
road: 4
The gradient is never too bad on this climb, but there are some steeper parts on the lower slopes. It can be very warm some months of the year. Fortunately, there are trees for much of the upper part of the climb. It is also long. Take food and water with you as you won't find any along the way. The scenery is good when you have a break in the trees. This climb can be done from Tucson as a long day trip, but you can also stay in Safford and ride from there.
Sep 8, 2021
I'm planning to do this climb at the end of September. A quick question if you don't mind. Did the altitude have any effect on you? Did you climatize yourself in advance? Sincerely, tom
Sep 8, 2021
I didn't notice any issues with altitude. I have attempted it twice, both times coming from sea level. I had a few days in Tucson first (Kitt Peak, Mt. Lemmon, etc.) that may have helped some with the altitude. The first time I tried it, the temperature was in the 90s and I overheated. I suggest going early in the day if it's warm (and put lots of ice in your bottles).
Sep 8, 2021
Good to know. Thank you:-)
Mar 29, 2021
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 5
traffic: 4
road: 3
Mar 29, 2021
scenery: 5
traffic: 4
road: 3
Beautiful and challenging ride. Road has loose gravel on some of the hairpins - be careful descending
Route Data
S.G. (%)
Segment Data

Beginning of the Mt. Graham road bike climb - sign, roadway and mountains

Mt. Graham is an epic and very remote cycling climb in southeastern Arizona,

located in the Coronado National Forest; highest peak in southern Arizona.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - photo collage, John Johnson standing with bike next to sign reading "Pavement Ends", long stretch of straight, two-lane roadway leading to mountains, bike parked in snow next to elevation 9000' feet sign, panoramic views, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona

Ride 20 miles gaining 6,092’ to 9,018’ at 5.5% average grade.

Climb summary by PJAMM’s John Johnson.

The Mt. Graham bike climb is a very remote, unsupported climb up into the Pinaleno Mountains in the southeastern corner of Arizona.  We have climbed Mt. Graham four times (2010, 2014, 2015, and 2019) and have a special fondness for it.

Before heading to Arizona and tackling Mt. Graham, be sure to rely on our list of Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip, and use our interactive checklist to ensure you don't forget anything.

 Coronado National Forest sign along roadway

Mt. Graham is rated the hardest bike climb in Arizona.  

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - various road signs at or near the beginning of the climb

Signs at or near the beginning of the climb.

The mountain ranges in southeastern Arizona are sometimes referred to as Sky Islands because they stand alone and are surrounded by the vast Sonoran Desert.  The Pinalenos Mountains are the tallest of all Arizona Sky Islands.

Coronado National Forest sign along roadway

Enter Coronado National Forest at about mile 3.75 (km 6).

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - photo collage, cyclists ride on straight, two-lane roadway surrounded by high desert, speed limit 25 MPH sign, mile marker 120 sign, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

First third of the climb.

We begin the climb on Highway 366 -- a highway with a lot of road, but no traffic to speak of -- just south of its intersection with Highway 191 near Safford, AZ. Be forewarned that Mt. Graham is “out there,” roughly a three hour drive from Phoenix.  However, we have not travelled great distances to take on this challenge because it’s boring, that’s for sure.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - bike parked in center of dead straight 2-lane roadway, high desert surroundings, blue sky with small white clouds

Looking back towards the start two miles up a VERY STRAIGHT road.

The scenery on this climb begins with desert landscape of cactus, yucca and mesquite at 3,000’ in the Gila Valley of the
Sonora Desert.  The scenery then transitions to oak grasslands then to pinyon-juniper woodlands and then about one-half our way up the mountain (mile 9.5 / 6,000’ elevation) to forests of pine, spruce and fir.

    Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - altitude markers along climb

Altitude markers every 1,000’ from 4,000 to 9,000’.

The roadway is wide and its surface pristine.  Rarely do you encounter motor vehicles along the route, which makes for an often private and safe ride up a very challenging mountain.

Logging truck on Mt. Graham, Safford, Arizona

Hey, we said “rarely,” not “never.”

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - photo collage, cyclist ride on two-lane roadway, snow on roadsides, large boulder fallen from hillside onto roadway, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner   

Middle third of the climb.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - sets of hairpin curves along the climb

Two sets of hairpins along the climb ~ miles 10 and 14.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - upper section of climb, forestation, steep grade road sign, PJAMM Cycling logo in corner

Upper section (final third) of the climb.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - looking down on Sonoran Desert from 5000 feet up

Amazing views 5000’ below to the Sonoran Desert.

The high mark of the Mt. Graham bike climb is at just about 9,000 feet, which could be the end of the ride for pure climbing purposes, but you may as well ride the final two miles to the end of the paved portion of the roadway. There, the road turns to gravel and you’ll be met by a locked gate and an unpaved road beyond it.   Several campgrounds appear on the map past the gate, as well as the Mt. Graham International Observatory (affiliated with the University of Arizona) about 10 miles from the gate by our rough estimation.  We have ridden about one mile up the dirt/gravel road and it is manageable on a road bike.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - photo collage, garmin device reads 21.77 miles and 6002 feet ascended, bike parked against gate closing roadway, John Johnson stands with bike next to road sign for end of road   

I first climbed this mountain in 2010 as a cycling newby . . .

. . . yes, that is a soccer jersey . . . 😕


Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - aerial views looking down on views toward Safford and toward the climb finish

Left photo: view northeast towards Safford;

Right photo: roadway along the ridge towards climb finish.

End of Mt. Graham bicycle ride - cyclist, bicycle and road Pavement Ends sign.

Observatory can be seen in the center of video

As with so many major climbs, the weather conditions at the top of the climb are much different from those at the start. We rode Mount Graham in October 2010 (no weather issues, other than heat at the bottom). However, the ride on March 8, 2014 was quite different: a pleasant 66 degrees at the start ultimately gave way to extended riding at 28 to 34 degrees beginning at around 7,000'.  Beware of the 30+ degree weather swings from the beginning of this climb to the top.  Gear up and be safe!  

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - soaking wet, snow covered roadways

Our “spring training” attempt in 2014, a “turn back” outing.  

The Mt. Graham bike climb begins in the high desert at just over 3,000' and transitions into alpine forest towards the top. The first four miles of the climb are very tame at 4.5%, but the remaining 80% of the ride is closer to 6% average grade.

Do NOT stop at the Federal Correctional Facility to take photos with the facility in the background. We learned that lesson the hard way.  After the lovely photo below was taken, we were chastised by prison authorities, but did make it out with our photos to tell the tale of another Stupid John Great Adventure!

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - John Johnson sits on retaining wall next to the Safford Federal Correctional Institution

Climb begins near the Safford Federal Correctional Institution.

For more information on some awesome Arizona climbs, visit our Arizona Climb Page.

Cycling Mt. Graham, Arizona - Mt. Lemmon; Mt. Graham; South Mountain; Kitt Peak

Photos clockwise from top left:

Mt. Lemmon; Mt. Graham; South Mountain; Kitt Peak

Note regarding roadway surface as of September, 2018 from Dan Razum, Campbell, CA:

All the Arizona climbs were very scenic, well worth riding. For some reason I found Mt Lemmon slightly more difficult than Mt Graham, even though the Fiets score is less.  I think distance has a greater weight than gradient for me personally.  Or maybe it's just because Mt Graham had much less traffic and so I didn't have to worry about cars.  Although I have to say that the road on Mt Graham is getting old, I'd probably rate it a 6 or 7, the descent was bumpy.  Another 5 years and that road is going to be in poor shape.  I hope they repave it at some point, but as isolated as it is, they probably won't, at least not in the next 20 years.

Summary of the climb by Drew Peterson, March 8, 2019:

Wanted to give you guys an update on Mt. Graham - I just got back from Tucson, and after riding Mt. Lemmon on 3/7 and an easier loop on 3/8 I tackled Mt. Graham on 3/9/2019. I share Dan's assessment - I found Mt. Lemmon, at least if you continue as far as the observatory, a harder climb than Mt. Graham, simply because the later leveled off a little as you broke 8,000 feet while the climb from Summerhaven to the observatory is the steepest part of the climb, and a 10-12% grind as you're approaching 9,000 feet is no joke. The pavement on Mt. Graham is... fine, I guess, on the way up - it seems at some point in the past decade they repaired a lot of the lower reaches by putting down some sort of rough asphalt coating, which did an adequate job repairing some of the cracks but felt pretty gravelly and made for slow rolling. It had worn through in places and underneath the asphalt was much smoother, which only made the other 99.9% of the climbing more demoralizing. On the way down it was pretty dicey, between the cracks, occasional loose gravel on the surface, and tight hairpins, and I think I found the downhill more painful than the climb, something I can't believe I'm writing. With a better surface this would be an absolute rollercoaster of a ride, but for now I'd definitely run air pressure as much lower than normal as you're comfortable, and between the gearing, tires, and disc brakes I'd rather have been on my gravel bike for this, even with the extra weight. That said, the surface once you rounded the corner on to the back side of the ride around mile 15 was actually pretty good.

I parked at a truck turn-around at the intersection of Boulder Lane and Rt 366, a couple miles up from the Swift Trail Junction and above the Correctional Institution, which made a really good starting spot. You bypass part of the false flat coming out of Swift Trail Junction, but I don't think anyone's going to call you a sissy for missing this part of the climb, and it's before the start of most of the full mountain Strava segments anyway. No reason you couldn't roll back into town before starting, too.

We may be more tolerant of rough roads than Dan and Drew are, since we live in an area where rough roads are the norm.  We did the climb for the fourth time on March 3, 2019 and did find miles 4-20 rough with some gravel, but not such a problem that we would recommend anything other than a road bike (I rode my trusty Roubaix with 28mm’s).  The main problem with our climb March 2019 was that my riding partner came down with a major illness on the descent, such that I needed to drive up and retrieve him at about mile five.  He was very ill and we have concluded that it may have been a combination of lack of serious preparation and the altitude, but we’ll likely never know.  We are just glad Hertz didn’t check the side of the car too closely, or at all actually -- maybe I should have pulled over while he was heaving on the ride home...