Page Contributor(s): Ron Cushing, Cedar City, Utah, USA


Page Contributor(s): Ron Cushing, Cedar City, Utah, USA
Cycling Hwy 143 - Top 50 US bike climb in southwestern Utah
Ride 14 miles gaining 4,384’ to elevation 10,419 at 5.9% average grade.
The Hwy 143 climb starts near Parowan in the fairly remote southwestern section of Utah, sandwiched between 2 other Top 100 U.S. Climbs, Climb #73 Hwy 153 37 miles north and climb #71 Kolob Terrace Rd 68 miles to the south.. The first 6 1/2 miles of this climb are a good warm up at 4.8% while the next 4.5 miles ramp up with an 8.4% average grade (10.2% average grade for the steepest part of the climb - 1.7 miles from mile 9.4 to 11.1). Our view is primarily of forest as we climb 11 miles up to the tiny ski resort community of Brian Head. The 3 miles through and beyond Brian Head are more open and less wooded as we are beginning to move close to above tree line.
This bike climb begins in Parowan just east of Interstate 15
There are some steep segments (13.6% for ¼ mile at mile 9.3)
2 giant and steep hairpins at mile 10
Not a good sign for us on the way up - that is never a good “sign”
Top of the climb looking back - steep grade to the top.
Steepest ¼ mile begins at mile 9.6 (13.8%) and steepest mile at mile 9 (11.5%)
Roadway-Traffic Report: Very good roadway, but it is a highway, so we do encounter light but fast traveling traffic with minimal to no shoulder to ride on.