Mount Seymour Bike Climb - PJAMM Cycling

7.6 mi
2,915 ft
7.2 %



This Vancouver area bike climb is through thickly forested Mount Seymour Provincial Park.  There are no views on the climb until the ski resort at the top, where we have a nice view of Mt. Baker to the southwest. 
This is a 7.3% average climb with only 28' of descent over 7.6 miles - it is a healthy bike climb.  The steepest half-kilometer is 10.7% and steepest two kilometer segment is 9%.  20% of the climb is ≥ 10%.

See more details and tools regarding this climb's grade via the “Profile Tool” button.
Roadway:  Excellent condition as of 2020.

Traffic:  Mild.

Parking:  Park at Old Buck Trailhead parking lot near the start of the climb:  Map;  Street View.
Provisions:  None along the climb. 

Consult the PJAMM "Full Forecast" feature in the margin for the time you expect to arrive at the finish to assess what clothing to bring on your ride.
Before heading out on any cycling adventure check out our Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip and use our interactive check list to ensure you don't forget anything.
We flew in to and stayed in Vancouver, where there are several great hotel options, for our climbs of Cypress Mountain and Mount Seymour.  There are many house and condo rentals in Vancouver too.  



Difficulty: Strenuous



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Jul 19, 2021
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 4
traffic: 4
road: 4
Jul 19, 2021
scenery: 4
traffic: 4
road: 4
I know there is only the one lookout point at the top, but the peaceful forest all along the way is also something spectacular. There are long stretches of quiet solitude in between the light traffic and other cyclists and it is in these moments you will hear the sound of running water from small streams and little trickling water falls in certain areas. The bird song is also sublime. A real ride into nature without being very far from cafes and civilization at the base!
Mar 20, 2021
difficulty: Strenuous
scenery: 3
traffic: 3
road: 5
Mar 20, 2021
scenery: 3
traffic: 3
road: 5
This is a fairly challenging climb with the start being the worst bit for sure! Unlike Cypress there is no real view until you get the top when there is a view out toward Mount Baker in the US.
Route Data
S.G. (%)
Segment Data

Climb Profile Not Found

Mt. Baker, WA from plane on approach to Vancouver International Airport.

Mt. Baker bike climb is approximately 90 miles from the Mount Seymour bike climb.

Climb summary by PJAMM’s John Johnson.

Mt. Baker through the haze; view southeast from top section of bike climb.

Cycling Mount Seymour.

Ride 12.2 kilometers gaining 893 meters at 7.3% average grade.

This is a very popular climb and during our June 30, 2016 Thursday afternoon climb we encountered many road cyclists (and saw many mountain bikers either entering, leaving or congregating at trailheads). The climb begins on Seymour Mountain Road, adjacent to the entrance to Mount Seymour Provincial Park.

Before heading to Washington for the Seymour Mountain climb, be sure to rely on our list of Things to Bring on a Cycling Trip, and use our interactive checklist to ensure you don't forget anything.

The roadway is tightly bordered by tall and lush western red cedar (and to a lesser degree Douglas fir) trees for the majority of the climb.  In quintessential Pacific Northwest forest fashion, what we lose in distant views, we gain in the calm serenity of a wonderful climb through thick forest.  

It is a serene climb . . . in spite of . . .


. . . the foreboding signs . . .

. . . 😨

Much of the bottom portion of the climb includes a smattering of wildflowers and a fern groundcover throughout the forest on either side of the roadway.  

At a couple of spots up the climb we have excellent views of the Indian Arm of the Salish Sea, and the northern portion of Vancouver/North Vancouver, on up to the snow-capped peaks of the Pacific Range Mountains.

Mt. Seymour Resort is at the top of the climb, which appears closed during the summer months.  At the top we have excellent views of Pacific Mountain Range to the north and northeast.  

Beware that this area does receive a fair amount of snow during the winter (annual 1,200 cm/472” average), so plan your trip accordingly.

Roadway surface and Traffic Report: The roadway is excellent and while there is no shoulder to speak of, traffic is quite light.  This is a safe and peaceful climb.  

Descent:  The descent on Seymour Mountain is magnificent – smooth gently curving road with a fairly steady 6-8% grade throughout.

This is a must-do ride for any climbing enthusiasts who live in or visit the Vancouver area.

Seymour Mountain is the first of three climbs near Vancouver that are included in the annual Triple Crown for Heart cycling event (50 miles gaining 7,390’).  Also included are Grouse Mountain (middle climb) and Cypress Mountain as the last.


Triple Crown for Heart elevation profile.