New Jersey is not chopped liver when it comes to cycling climbing. BGreakneck Road, Millbrook Flatbrook Road and Fiddlers Elbow all average over 10% for the length of their full, albeit short, climb. New Jerseys top 10 road bike climbs are: 1. Blue Mountain Lakes Pass, 2. Fiddlers Elbow from Roxburg Hill, 3. Lamossons Glen Road, 4. Breakneck Road, 5. Fiddlers Elbow from Ridge Road, 6. Millbrook Road , 7. Rte 23-High Point, 8. Cyphers + Shire, 9. Fox Farm Road, and 10. Iron Bridge Road
The best, hardest, most scenic and epic road bike climbs of New Jersey can be viewed on this page via the map (zoom in to view climbs in particular areas), by Climb Cards (photo and stats) or by a detailed list of the climbs that can be arranged in metric or imperial units by difficulty, distance (longest climbs in the area), altitude gained, highest elevation (highest summit), average grade (sort the grades by varying distances), lowest start point, etc. Click on "Climb Page" to jump to the detail page for that particular bike climb. This page provides an excellent and comprehensive summary of the top, hardest and best bicycling climbs in New Jersey.